Practitioner of the Pure Homeopathic Healing Art


The purpose of this web site is to clarify the confusion that envelopes homeopathy and raise public and practitioner awareness of "the pure homoeopathic healing art," the highest standard of homeopathic clinical excellence set down and practiced by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann the originator of homeopathy to ensure its efficacy, and the benchmark against which all other methods of prescribing homeopathic medicines may be compared.

For Hahnemann, the principle-based pure homeopathic healing art is the original masterpiece holistic medical system that he breathed life into and the only methodology that qualifies for the honourable name “Homoeopathy.” It is also the uniform highest standard of homeopathic practice Hahnemann fiercely defended and asserted all true practitioners of homoeopathy always apply and their patients always receive.


- 2022:
Second Edition Crossroads to Cure
The Homoeopath's Guide to Second Prescription/A Guide to Homeopathic Medicine Case Management

Written as much for those interested in receiving homeopathic treatment as for students and practitioners of homeopathy, this book provides an in depth explanation of the homeopathic healing process and addresses the challenge of homeopathic patient evaluation.

For more information on this book and others go to the
Books page